I was suppose to have a phone interview at the end of last week, but by Friday I still hadn't heard from them so I called the agency that's doing the placing and was told they were "dragging their feet" and I should hear from them soon. Got a call at 12:30p saying I'd be hearing from them between 3 and 4.
I got so wrapped up in trying to get ready for my one and only appointment at the salon (which is scheduled for 5p) that here I am thinking "I have to leave at 3:30 and it's 3:20. They need to call!" I still have an hour before I have to leave.
Interviews - ugh! Nothing but a bundle of nervous energy.
Saturday I'm auditioning for a part in a movie. Originally, last weekend, I was suppose to play a skanky milf who gets murdered during sex. Well, due to Josh's exhaustion and needing to push his days with James back a day, I had to drop out of that project. I'm grown up enough to know that leaving at least a nice, professional voicemail is better than a quick, informal text so I called the contact, apologized a few times, let him know my situation, and offered services in the hair department if he ever needed it.
This morning I woke up to my phone buzzing from an email:
We'd like for you to come in Saturday to read for the part of Michelle. It's a bigger part than the other one. Please, R.S.V.P. as soon as possible.
Uh, yes please! I am no actress by any means, but who turns down a fun day of dress up, rape, and murder?!!! See, professionalism, sincerity, and more than 2 hours notice works for you. Now if people would get that idea on lock down in their brains and utilize it for things like, oh, salon appointments. The people who are in the medical field (as in the ER) I can let them get away with it because you don't know what's going to happen when you're on call.
Well, I guess I'll keep searching the internet nervously until the phone call. It's now 3:28p ... 32 minutes left. I hope they call by 4 so I don't have to try to concentrate on them and navigating traffic. I do not leave my guests waiting around for anything.
Word of the day: professionalism
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